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Aftershock Services

Creating A Lasting Impression -

It’s What We Do

What can Aftershock Creative offer your business?


We immerse ourselves in our clients' businesses to get a complete understanding of their goals and the needs of their customers. Evaluating not just marketing goals, but the look, feel and tone of what image to project. 

Branding at Aftershock Creative


There is more to branding that designing a logo. It’s been said, “your brand is what people say about you when you’re not there.” It’s how people feel, and what they think of, when they hear your company name. Everything you do, everything you put out representing your company, affects your brand. While you can’t control it 100%, you can shape it.


At the same time, your logo and visual identity is important, and should define your business and scream who you are and what you do. From logo creation to brand standards to social media management, Aftershock will create your company's look with branding that is not only eye-catching, but is on point, authentic and consistent across all platforms.


We'll Help Your Brand With:

- logo design and brand packages (colour, type fonts, secondary logos)

- stationery packages (letterhead, business card, envelopes)

- signage

- brand standards guidelines 

- website design

- social media graphics (Facebook Header, Profile Logos)

- social media management (Content Creation, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)

With so many choices, channels and platforms (traditional advertising, social media, online) it’s never been more important to have consistent, adaptable and strategic brand messaging.

Graphic Design


As we find ourselves in an era of do-it-yourself design, overseas service offerings, and one-size-fits-all online design solutions, graphic design as a craft has never undergone such a full frontal assault. It’s been commoditized, and some would say, disrespected.


However this is a tremendous opportunity for business owners and marketing managers. Professional design that is well-strategized and expertly executed will always stand out. 


Expert graphic design that is customized and completely proprietary to your brand gives your brand cachet, an identity, and PRESENCE.


Everyone wants their brand to stand out. Investing to do just that is money well spent.

Social Media


Creating and nurturing a brand’s online presence takes an ongoing commitment. Our team can help at any stage in this process. We can set you up with a plan and templates, and check in on your progress… or we can become an extension of your staff, working on ongoing planning, creating content and monitoring your social media channels.


Yes, it can all be a little overwhelming. Deciding which social media platforms best suit your brand, determining content direction and scheduling, and then executing and monitoring your online presence… it can all be a bit too much. But it is massively important, and we can help, whether in short bursts or long term.


We’ll help you to establish a social media personality that suits your brand. Creating and growing relationships with your current and future customers, and most importantly, carefully managing and growing brand awareness, is what we do.


Your long term success is everything to us!

Photography and Video


Humans are very visual. It’s a fact.


For that reason, a good marketer knows “don’t just tell me, when you can SHOW me!” This makes professional photography and video services extremely valuable when selling your product or service, and the buying experience that comes with it.


We have an in-house studio suitable for product shoots, staff portraits and more. Our photographers and network of videographers can also work on location. We can also provide training, tips and advice on creating more professional self-shot photography and video when creating “quick and cheerful” content for social media content.


Because you always want to put your best foot (and face) forward.

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